Journal Articles

2024 | 2023| 2022| 2021 | 2020| 

Journal Articles 2024

 Abdul, J. K. C. U. T., Rahman, K., Tunku, M. H. S. L. U., & Rahman, A. Is Takaful (Islamic Insurance) More Efficient Than Conventional Insurance A Comparative Analysis Of Insurance Industry In Malaysia.

 Abdullah Salim, A. S., Md Yatim, N., & Md Zahid, S. (2024). Examining the Effects of the Pandemic on Entrepreneurial Activities among Urban Single Mothers: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Financial Studies12(2), 30.

Arif, E. E. M., Enn, C. K., Sen, S. C., Xia, L. Y., & Jalaludin, F. W. (2024). Factors that affect eCommerce platforms’ sustainability in Sarawak. Procedia Computer Science234, 1029-1036.

 Fook, T. N., Peng, L. M., & Mun, Y. W. (2024). Hospital brand image and trust leading towards patient satisfaction: medical tourists’ behavioural intention in Malaysia. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings12(1).

 Hanafi, M. A. A., Yatim, N. M., & Salim, A. S. A. (2024). Unveiling the transition: Factors influencing true and fair view reporting in the accrual-based accounting migration of Malaysian federal statutory bodies. Asian Economic and Financial Review14(5), 389-409.



 Islam, T., Zulfiqar, I., Aftab, H., Alkharabsheh, O. H. M., & Shahid, M. K. (2024). Testing the waters! The role of ethical leadership towards innovative work behavior through psychosocial well-being and perceived organizational support. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Jalaludin, F. W., Loh, Y. X., Seah, C. S., Chang, Y. K., Arif, E. E. M., & Chin, W. Y. (2024). Individual Response to the Spread of Misinformation about COVID-19 via Facebook and WhatsApp. Procedia Computer Science234, 962-969.

 Jayabalan, J., Dorasamy, M., & Kaliannan, M. (2024). Thriving in scarcity: Harnessing intellectual capital for open frugal innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity10(2), 100300.

 Jayaraman, K., Dorasamy, M., & Nambi, C. A. (2024). Survey Validation for The Impact of Environmental Management Systems on Green Innovation. Journal of System and Management Sciences14(5), 212-230.

 Joachim, G., Shih, S. F., Singh, A., Rajamoorthy, Y., Harapan, H., Chang, H. Y., ... & Wagner, A. L. (2024). Parental vaccine hesitancy and acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine: An internet-based survey in the US and five Asian countries. 
PLOS Global Public Health4(2), e0002961.

Kumaran, V. V., & Rajamoorthy, Y. (2024). Impact of Productivity, Corruption, And Growth On Debt: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis. International Journal of Management Studies31(1), 89-112.

Lau, W. K., Lim, C. H., & Har, W. M. (2024). Economic Statistical Design of the Variable Sampling Interval CV Chart with Known Shift Size. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance6(1), 237-253.

 Lee, S. P., & Isa, M. (2024). Corporate sustainability practices and financial performance: The moderating role of corporate controversies and Shariah screening. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

 Lee, S. P., & Isa, M. (2024). Stock Market Reactions to COVID-19 Announcement: Developed Versus Emerging Markets and Large Versus Small Firms. Capital Markets Review, 59.

 Lee, S. P., & Isa, M. (2024). ESG and ESG controversies on firm risks in the emerging markets: The moderating roles of Shariah screening and legal origins. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance16(1), 127-149.

 Ling, C. L., Waheeda, J. F., Sen, S. C., Xia, L. Y., Amerhaider, N. A. N., & Wah, H. K. (2024). E-Payment Security Mechanisms on Lazada: The Case of Malaysian and Thai. Procedia Computer Science234, 1340-1347.

 Loh, Y. X., Seah, C. S., Arif, E. E. M., Jalaludin, F. W., Chin, W. Y., & Hamid, N. A. A. (2024). A Collaborative Model in Persuasive Web Design: Multiple case study of Lazada and Shopee. Procedia Computer Science234, 1609-1616.

 Low, M. P., Seah, C. S., Khin, A. A., & Har, W. M. (2024). Unveiling the upsides of low-skilled physical gig work: insights from the gig workers’ perspective in Malaysia. Labour and Industry, 1-29.

 Lu, W., Low, M. P., & Yeong, W. M. (2024). Will sensory impressions drive the intention to revisit? An empirical study in the rural tourism. 
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing41(2), 292-306.

Ng, Z. H., Lee, T. H., & Har, W. M. (2024). Investigating the influence of technology adoption: a qualitative study on small and medium-sized audit firms. International Academic Research Journal of Business and Technology10(1), 1-13.

 Seow, A. N., Choong, Y. O., Low, M. P., Ismail, N. H., & Choong, C. K. (2024). Building tourism SMEs' business resilience through adaptive capability, supply chain collaboration and strategic human resource. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management32(2), e12564.

 Shahid, M. K., Khin, A. A., Seong, L. C., Alkharabsheh, O. H. M., & Arfat, Y. (2024). Examining the factors affecting technology continuance and its role in economic growth of emerging economies. Brazilian Journal of Development10(3), e67831-e67831.

Shahid, M. K., Khin, A. A., Seong, L. C., Shahbaz, M., & Ahmad, F. (2024). Mapping the relationship of research and development expenditures and economic growth through bibliometric analysis: a theoretical perspective. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-27.

 SIN, M. S., ANBARASEN, S., YEW, T. S., & ZUN, W. (2024). EFFECT OF ECONOMIC FACTORS ON THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY IN MALAYSIA. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management19(2), 109-125.

  Sozon, M., Chuan, S. B., Fong, P. W., Alkharabsheh, O. H. M., & Rahman, M. A. (2024). Factors influencing academic dishonesty among undergraduate students in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Malaysia. Journal of Management Info11(2), 137-159.

 Tun, Y. L., Low, S. C., Shanmugaretnam, S., & Teh, B. B. G. (2024). Panel data analysis on the impact of corporate governance on firm performance: evidence from Bursa Malaysia companies with Good CG disclosures/Tun Yin Li...[et al.]. Management & Accounting Review (MAR)23(1), 357-376.

 Wong, Y. H., Khin, A. A., Lim, C. S., Tong, F. W., & Ng, Z. F. (2024). A comparative analysis of locally sourced feeding systems on chicken body weight gain in Malaysia. 
Brazilian Journal of Development10(2), e67346-e67346.

 Yap, S., Lee, H. S., & Liew, P. X. (2024). The Roles of Insurance and Banking Services on Financial Inclusion. SAGE Open14(2), 21582440241252268.

 Yee, F. M., Fah, L. K., Yee, N. K., Shuen, A. N. H., & Quan, H. J. (2024). CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: A CASE OF THE MALAYSIAN TRANSPORT INDUSTRY. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE)10(28).

 Yeh, J. Y., Seah, C. S., Loh, Y. X., Low, M. P., Nuar, A. N. A., & Jalaludin, F. W. (2024). Exploring the actual implementation of e-wallet application in Malaysia. 
Baghdad Science Journal21(2 (SI)), 0600-0600.

Journal Articles 2023

Abdul Shakur, E. S., Sa’at, N. H., Alwi, I., & Omar, K. (2023). Eco-tourism and sustainable development: Are community ready?. Community Development54(5), 701-728.

 Aik, N. C., & Zhang, Q. (2023). Use of Theil for a Specific Duality Economy: Assessing the Impact of Digital Inclusive Finance on Urban-Rural Income Gap in Chongqing. FinTech2(4), 668-679.

 Aik, N. C., Ibrahim, S., & Tee, P. L. (2023). The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on The Stock Performance of a Defensive Sector: The Malaysian Experience. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance5(3), 172-179.

Aini, R. N. (2023). Malaysian Tourist’s Risk towards Travel Intention in Covid-19 Pandemic. Asian Journal of Arts, Culture and Tourism5(2), 42-51.

 Arif, E. E. M., Ke’er, Y., Chin, W. Y., Loh, Y. X., Sen, C., & Seah, N. R. (2023). Customer retention towards digital payment platform: a case of touch ‘N Go.

 Azian, F. U. M., Khair, N., Yoong, T. C., Ismail, S., & Tambi, N. (2023). The relationship between service quality and occupants’ satisfaction: a mixed-use building. Real Estate Management and Valuation31(1), 78-87.

Beh, K. H., Huam, H. T., Thoo, A. C., Chan, T. J., & Tang, K. L. (2023). Do Personality Traits and Demographic Characteristics Affect Malaysian Chinese Entrepreneurs’ Leadership Effectiveness? A Conceptual Framework for SMEs. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences5(3), 356-372.

 Chan, S. G., Har, W. M., Kanapathy, K., Celik, S., & Aktan, B. (2023). Country-of-origin effects on technology transfer in foreign direct investment. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 1-26.

 Chan, S. G., Har, W. M., & Kanapathy, K. (2023). Impact of China’s outward direct investment on economic efficiency. Asian Development Policy Review11(3), 136-152.


 Cheng, C. T., Ling, G. H. T., Chin, H. C., & Leng, P. C. (2023). Effects of Multifaceted Street Art on Price Premium of Pre War Commercial Buildings: The Case of Georgetown UNESCO World Heritage Site. Land12(3), 626.

Chong, S. C., Neoh, Z. K. A., Lee, H. S., Mah, P. Y., & Tung, D. T. (2018). A Study of Financial Behavior Among Urban Older Chinese.

Choong, Y. O., Seow, A. N., Low, M. P., Ismail, N. H., Choong, C. K., & Seah, C. S. (2023). Delving the impact of adaptability and government support in small‐and medium‐sized enterprises business resilience: The mediating role of information technology capability. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management31(4), 928-940.

Devi, N., Yin, L. S., Ern, S. Y., Haris, F. A., & Abdullah Salim, A. S. (2023). Water Rationing, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices and Social Distancing at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of Melaka, Malaysia. Sustainability15(23), 16290.

 Fah, L. K., Jun, K. X., Mun, Y. W., Yean, U. L., & Yee, F. M. (2023, May). The Impact of Covid-19 Work Related Factors on Employees' Productivity. In CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 32-45).

 Falahat, M., Cheah, P. K., Jayabalan, J., Lee, C. M. J., & Kai, S. B. (2022). Big data analytics capability ecosystem model for SMEs. Sustainability15(1), 360.

Fei, T. L. K. (2018). The Effects of Consumers, Competitors and E-Commerce Intensity on Business Performance in Malaysia.


 Gan, S. W., Tai, L. C., Kuek, T. Y., Rahim, F. A., & Yap, T. T. V. (2023). CULINARY CHARMS: UNRAVELLING HOW FOOD IMAGE FACTORS AFFECT TOURISTS’SATISFACTION IN PENANG. Management8(34), 19-31.

Hanafi, M. A. A., Yatim, N. M., & Salim, A. S. A. (2023). Conceptual Framework on Antecedents of True and Fair View Reporting Surrounding Migration to Accrual-Based Accounting by Public Sector Entities: A Case of Federal Statutory Bodies (FSB) in Malaysia. Information Management and Business Review15(4 (SI) I), 12-26.

 Har, W. M., Yap, C. Y., Sek, S. K., & Lee, H. S. (2024). Institutional Quality, Financial Factors and Shadow Banking. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia57(3), 89-102.

 Har, W. M., & Sin, M. C. (2023). Effect of Sustainable Development and Institutional Quality on Growth. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae21(4).

Hen, K. W., Seah, C. S., Witarsyah, D., Shaharudin, S. M., & Loh, Y. X. (2023). The study on Malaysia Agricultural E-Commerce (AE): Customer Purchase Intention. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization7(3), 704-709.

Hong, S., Tee, P. L., Mok, H. W., Lee, J. R., Huang, J. M., & Tan, V. M. Z. (2023, May). Women directors' board involvement and remuneration matter for performance of Malaysian listed healthcare companies? A comparison before and during Covid-19. In CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 157-169).

Hwa, W. Y., Aye, K. A., Seong, L. C., & Weng, T. F. (2023). Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and Cumulative Weight Gain (CWG) of Organically Farmed Chicken Meat Production in Malaysia: 6 Different Diet Treatments Approach. Global Business and Management Research15(1), 124-132.

 Jaaffar, A. H., Alzoubi, R. H., Alkharabsheh, O. H. M., & Rajadurai, J. (2023). Leadership and crisis management and their link to improvement of hotel performance: A study of the Jordanian hotel sector. Heliyon9(7).

 Jie, S. K. J., & Peng, L. M. (2023, May). Joy Of Gig Work?! A Study Of Malaysian Gig Workers. In CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 85-99).

Juhari, N. H., Lun, A. T. K., Khan, P. A. M., Khair, N., & Azmi, A. (2024, July). The effects of rail transport development to the residents. In 
AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3077, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

Lai, S. F., Lim, W. L., & Kho, G. K. (2023, February). Employees’ Green Value Creation in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Through Green Management Practices. In 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022) (pp. 177-189). Atlantis Press.

 Lee, S. P. (2023). Board monitoring effectiveness and corporate sustainability performance: do legal system and CEO non-duality matter?. Review of Managerial Science17(4), 1243-1267.

Leng, L. W., Fong, L. S., Hussain, N. H. C., Yin, C. W., & Wah, H. K. (2023, May). Navigating New Terrain: Data Analytics In Auditing. In CoMBInES-Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education and Social Sciences (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 170-179).


 Leong, T. K., Chiek, A. N., Meng, T. P., & Eng, T. K. (2023). Customers Loyalty in Malaysian Retail Bank Sector from the Perspective of Equity Theory and Expectation-Confirmation Model: A PLS-SEM and NCA Approach. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies9(3), 245-262.


Ling, L. C., Jaffar, N., Sallehhuddin, A., & Faizal, S. M. (2023). Risk management committee, political connection and audit pricing: Evidence from Malaysia. Asian Economic and Financial Review13(9), 635-650.

Low, M. P., Seah, C. S., Khin, A. A., & Pok, W. F. (2023). Employee-Centered CSR in Driving Business Resilience. 
Global Journal of Business Social Sciences Review (GATR-GJBSSR)11(3).

Mfon, N. A., Akpan, S. S., & Aye, A. K. (2023). Stock Assessment of Industrial Sector long-term Non-Financial Horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions in Nigeria. FUW-International Journal of Management and Social Sciences8(2), 126-142.

Mohd Yousoof, F. B., Pang, C. Y., Akbar, M. A., & Taker, M. A. T. (2023). The Role of Halal-Friendly Hospitality Services in Increasing Visit Intention: A Muslim Tourist Perspective. International Journal of Islamic Business (IJIB)8(2), 1-17.

 Mun, Y. W., Yean, U. L., & Yoke, C. C. (2023). Enablers for Healthy Aging and Intertwined of Sustainable Built Environment. Global Business and Management Research15(1), 50-64.

 MUN, H., HOOK, L. S., KUN, S. S., MAZLAN, N. S., & AHMAD, M. N. N. (2023). DOES GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTION QUALITY MATTER TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS?. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management18(1), 181-197.

 Musa, A., Shakur, E. S. A., Musa, R. M., & Abdullah, N. A. C. (2023). HEALTH MANAGEMENT CULTURE IN FOOD HEALTH HANDLING COMPLIANCE IN TERENGGANU BUSINESS NIGHT MARKET. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University58(1).

Nair, M. N. N., & Ahmad, F. S. (2023). WILL BRANDING ENGAGE PERPETUAL BONDING IN HEALTHCARE?. International Journal of Business and Society24(1), 343-361.

 Ngoo, Y. T., Cheah, L. F., & Tiong, K. M. (2023). Unveiling the Mindset of Future Digital Entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Research in Business and Management5(1), 295-307.

 Opir, H., Abdullah, W. Y., Arif, E. E. M., & Lukas, J. (2023). Human Development For Muslims Reverts Through Philanthropic-Based Education At Hidayah Center Foundation: Pembangunan Insan Terhadap Saudara Baru Melalui Pendidikan Berasaskan Filantropi Di Hidayah Centre Foundation. al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies30(2), 129-141.

Pok, W. F., Kabir, M. H., & Young, M. (2023). Media content, sentiment and emerging market futures returns. Applied Economics55(7), 724-749.

 Rajamoorthy, Y., Wagner, A. L., Kumaran, V. V., Munusamy, S., Taib, N. M., Tin, O. H., ... & Vo, T. Q. (2023). Parents’ willingness to pay for COVID-19 vaccination for children in Malaysia using the contingent valuation method. Narra J3(3).

 Rajamoorthy, Y., Taib, N. M., Harapan, H., Wagner, A. L., & Munusamy, S. (2023). Application of the double bounded dichotomous choice model to the estimation of parent’s willingness to pay for the hand foot mouth disease vaccination: a survey in Selangor, Malaysia. PLoS One18(6), e0286924.

 Rajamoorthy, Y., Munusamy, S., Khin, A. A., & Chen, F. (2000). INCLUSIVE GROWTH: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM MALAYSIA.

 Sathiaseelan, R., & Aurasu, A. (2023). Joseph Shine v Union of India: Farewell to a Victorian-Era Adultery Law. Asian Journal of Law and Policy3(1), 39-47.


Subramaniam, L., Jalaludin, F. W., Hen, K. W., & Yap, C. S. (2023). The second and third levels of digital divide among Malaysian university students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Telkomnika21(6), 1326-1333.

Tan, X. H. (2022). Essential Of Corporate Governance On Performance Of Commercial Banking Institution S In Southeast Asia And East Asia (Doctoral dissertation, UTAR).

 Tay, X. H., Kasim, S., Sutikno, T., Fudzee, M. F. M., Hassan, R., Patah Akhir, E. A., ... & Seah, C. S. (2023). An Entropy-Based Directed Random Walk for Cancer Classification Using Gene Expression Data Based on Bi-Random Walk on Two Separated Networks. Genes 2023, 14, 574.

 Tee, P. L., Aik, N. C., Lim, B. K., & Hiew, S. (2023). Impact of Movement Control Order on Risk-Adjusted Performance of the Malaysian Real Estate Investment Trusts (M-REITs). International Journal of Real Estate Studies17(2), 33-41.

TENG, S. M., LEE, R., SEK, S. K., ARIÇ, K. H., & HAR, W. (2023). EXAMINING THE NEXUS OF INFLATION-GROWTH: THE CASE OF MALAYSIA. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management18(11), 128-146.

Wang, H. K., Au-Yong, C. P., Ling, G. H. T., & Law, K. A. (2023). Standard of workmanship, crime rate and condition of lift systems influence collective action in low-cost housing. Facilities41(9/10), 599-622.

Wut, T. M., Ng, P. M. L., & Low, M. P. (2023). Engaging university students in online learning: a regional comparative study from the perspective of social presence theory. Journal of Computers in Education, 1-27.

Yap, S., Shan Lee, H., & Xin Liew, P. (2023). The role of financial inclusion in achieving financerelated sustainable development goals (SDGs): a cross-country analysis. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja36(3).

 Zakaria, N., Min, F. S., Chiek, A. N., & Keong, L. B. (2023). Dividend Policy Revisited in an Emerging Market. International Journal of Advanced Research in Economics and Finance5(3), 37-51.

Zhang, F., Harapan, H., Rajamoorthy, Y., Lu, Y., & Wagner, A. L. (2023). The Relationship Between Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in a Cross-Sectional Study in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United States. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health35(4), 308-310.

Journal Articles 2022

Akel, K. B., Noppert, G. A., Rajamoorthy, Y., Lu, Y., Singh, A., Harapan, H., ... & Wagner, A. L. (2022). A study of COVID-19 vaccination in the US and Asia: The role of media, personal experiences, and risk perceptions. PLOS Global Public Health2(7), e0000734.


Alkarabsheh, O. H. M., Jaaffar, A. H., Wei Fong, P., Attallah Almaaitah, D. A., & Mohammad Alkharabsheh, Z. H. (2022). The relationship between leadership style and turnover intention of nurses in the public hospitals of Jordan. Cogent Business & Management9(1), 2064405.

Alkharabsheh, O. H. M., Jaaffar, A. H., Chou, Y. C., Rawati, E., & Fong, P. W. (2022). The Mediating Effect of Fatigue on the Nature Element, Organisational Culture and Task Performance in Central Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(14), 8759.

Appannan, J. S., Maheswaran, L., Raimee, N., Lim, W. L., & Amran, F. H. (2022). Job insecurity and psychological distress during the COVID-19 outbreak: The moderating role of perceived supervisor support among hotel employees in Malaysia. Work73(4), 1135-1145.

Aziz, R. N. A. R. (2022). BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE ON SHOPPING MODE IN COVID-19 PANDEMIC. International Journal of Business and Economy4(2), 30-41.

Azmi, A., Tedong, P. A., Zyed, Z. A. S., & Abd Aziz, W. N. A. W. (2022). The roles of governance in providing strata housing for aging in place. Planning Malaysia20.

Bashier, Y. M., Ahmed, E. M., Elfaki, K. E., Thambah, S., & Khin, C. A. A. (2022). Factors Affecting the Malaysian Natural Rubber Production and Consumption. Academy of Strategic Management Journal21, 1-12.

Cham, T. H., Cheng, B. L., Lee, Y. H., & Cheah, J. H. (2023). Should I buy or not? Revisiting the concept and measurement of panic buying. Current Psychology42(22), 19116-19136.


Chea, C. C., Huan, J. T. J., Wui, L. Y., & Yee, C. S. (2022). Consumer's Buying Behaviour for Malaysia's Traditional Handicraft.

Cheah, L. F., Cheng, M. Y., & Hen, K. W. (2023). The effect of quality management practices on academics’ innovative performance in Malaysian higher education institutions. Studies in Higher Education48(4), 643-656.

Chelliah, M. K., Aravindan, K. L., & Muthaiyah, S. (2022). Entrepreneurial orientation and open innovation promote the performance of services SMEs: The mediating role of cost leadership. Administrative Sciences13(1), 1.

Chen, X., Xu, X., Wu, Y. J., & Pok, W. F. (2022). Learners’ continuous use intention of blended learning: TAM-SET model. Sustainability14(24), 16428.

Chong, S. H., Tun, Y. L., Shah, S. Z., & Rasiah, R. (2022). Environmental quality and economic growth: an empirical analysis in Asian countries. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal7(21), 367-372.

Falahat, M., Cheah, P. K., Jayabalan, J., Lee, C. M. J., & Kai, S. B. (2022). Big data analytics capability ecosystem model for SMEs. Sustainability15(1), 360.

Fei, T. L. K., & Hui, T. S. (2018). A Structural Model of Factors Influencing Behavioural Intentions of Students to Use E-Learning in Malaysia. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS.

Har, L. L., Rashid, U. K., Te Chuan, L., Sen, S. C., & Xia, L. Y. (2022). Revolution of retail industry: from perspective of retail 1.0 to 4.0. Procedia Computer Science200, 1615-1625.

Harapan, H., Fathima, R., Kusuma, H. I., Anwar, S., Nalapraya, W. Y., & Wibowo, A. Drivers of and Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose Acceptance in Indonesia. Vaccines (Basel) 2022; 10 (12): 1981.

Harapan, H., Sallam, M., Fathima, R., Kusuma, H. I., Anwar, S., Nalapraya, W. Y., ... & Mudatsir, M. (2022). Willingness to pay (WTP) for COVID-19 vaccine booster dose and its determinants in Indonesia. Infectious disease reports14(6), 1017-1032.

Ibrahim, F. S. B., Ebekozien, A., Khan, P. A. M., Aigbedion, M., Ogbaini, I. F., & Amadi, G. C. (2022). Appraising fourth industrial revolution technologies role in the construction sector: How prepared is the construction consultants?. Facilities40(7/8), 515-532.

Isa, M., Lee, S. P., Bacha, O. I., & Ahmad, R. (2022). Some thoughts on resetting the roles and functions of Sharīʿah committees of Islamic banks in Malaysia. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance14(2), 175-189.

Jalaludin, F. W., Chuan, S. B., & Aun, L. K. (2022). The Adoption of Social Commerce among Micro Enterprise in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices4(1), 65-78.

Janni, B., Teoh, S. H., & Low, M. P. (2022). Undergraduates’ motivation and engagement in an online learning (OL) mathematics class at a public university. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. https://doi. org/10.6007/ijarped/v11-i4/15859.

Khin, A. A., Khai, K. G., & Chiek, A. N. (2022). Company Values of Malaysian Listed Companies' Sustainability for Palm Oil Industry: Financial Panel Data Model Approach. Reference to this paper should be referred to as follows: Khin, AA, 01-16.

Kwan, W. L., Dorasamy, M., Ahmad, A. A. B., Jayabalan, J., Kumar, P., & Subermaniam, L. (2021). Digital taxation to promote frugal innovation in institutions of higher learning: a three-decade systematic literature review. F1000Research10.

Lee, H. S., Chong, S. C., & Sia, B. K. (2022). Financial services and globalisation in belt and road countries. The Service Industries Journal42(3-4), 249-276.

Lee, S. P., & Isa, M. (2023). Environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and financial performance of Shariah-compliant companies in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research14(2), 295-314.

Lee, S. Y., Karim, Z. A., Khalid, N., & Zaidi, M. A. S. (2022). The spillover effects of chinese shocks on the belt and road initiative economies: New evidence using panel vector autoregression. Mathematics10(14), 2414.

Leong, T. K., & Meng, T. P. (2022). Antecedents of trust and its impact on online social shopping purchase intention based on social exchange theory. International Journal of Business and Technology Management4(3), 20-38.

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